Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2024

Feedback and résumé form for the High Level Panels

GFFA 2024 - Panel Feedback
Dear panel organisers,

As announced in the registration form, we kindly ask you to summarise the content and results of your event in both English and German whenever possible. Your support with this is very much appreciated and we would like to thank you in advance for your help. In addition, we would be grateful to receive feedback on the organisation of the event for our evaluation.

Please note that the information about the content and results of the event as well as the recording of your panel and your summary report will be published on the website

Please fill out the form by February 2, 2024.

Your event information

Summary of your panel

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Organisation of the event

We would like to ask you for your feedback on the organisation of the event. We are very grateful for suggestions to improve our planning and support. Your feedback will be handled strictly confidentially and will be used for our internal evaluation only.

Please assess your experience with the organisation and performance of your panel and rate it as follows.

I am very satisfied with the communication of the GFFA Conference Office.
The implementation of the panel met my expectations.
The length of the panel was sufficient.
I am very satisfied with the organisation and the procedure of the panel.
I am very satisfied with the technical equipment.
The furniture on stage met my expectations.
I would use the MEA platform again for surveys.
All required information was provided in a timely and clear manner.